途经著名的戛纳,离开繁忙的尼斯,路过奢侈的圣特罗佩,当行进的列车沿着蔚蓝海岸向东穿过法意边境,暖风越过亚平宁山脉轻抚利古里亚海面(Liguria),意大利里维埃拉(Italian Riviera)展开在眼前。
尽管同属一条海岸线,但跟蔚蓝海岸比起来,意大利里维埃拉显然更多悬崖峭壁的断层式海岸,特别是利古里亚海岸以西,不仅是意大利里维埃拉的中心区,还有“花之海岸(Riviera dei Fiori)”的美丽别名,其沿海地带从宽阔的沙滩到深水岩石滩,地貌形态各异;内陆山丘上又遍布中世纪的村庄、橄榄林和葡萄园,俨然一幅宁静的地中海画卷,而“花之海岸”上,尤以“鲜花之城”圣雷莫(Sanremo)最能诠释这别名里的浪漫和想象。
圣雷莫跟名人的渊源不止于卡尔维诺,还有诺贝尔奖创始人阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔(Alfred Nobel)。诺贝尔一生漂泊、居无定所,当他从常年寒冷的北欧来到四季如夏的圣雷莫,因为甚为喜爱,决定隐居于此,度过了生命的最后几年。他将其在圣雷莫的居所称作“my nest”(我的巢),如今这座漂亮的洋房作为诺贝尔故居向世人敞开了大门。
“鲜花之城”每年向两件盛事提供鲜花,一个是诺贝尔颁奖典礼,另一个就是维也纳金色大厅的新年音乐会。25年来,圣雷莫一直以鲜花来表达小镇人民对“音乐之都”的新年祝福,这完全因为圣雷莫也是“音乐之乡”。自1951年创办的圣雷莫音乐节(Festival di Sanremo)是意大利深受欢迎的音乐盛事,最初目的是在冬季吸引游客,但其“首发原创”的选拔机制很快成为意大利创作歌手和作曲家的重要舞台。
鲜花、音乐,还有最后一项:自行车,共同构成圣雷莫的三大特色。如果你关注五大自行车古典赛事,那或许是从这里听说了圣雷莫的名字。但即使是非赛事日期,沿着“花之海岸自行车道(Pista ciclabile del ponente ligure)”骑行,绝对是游览“花之海岸”的最佳方式。
这条全长24公里的自行车道原本是一条铁路轨道,退役后被改建成自行车道和步道,一路平坦且禁止车辆通行,任由骑行者轻松穿梭在六个海滨小镇和海滩之间。作为中段的一站,从圣雷莫开始骑行,无论是向西前往起点圣洛伦索阿尔马雷(San Lorenzo al Mare),还是往东向着终点奥斯佩达蒂(Ospedaletti)进发,都是折中的选择。当然无论到了哪一站,想去沙滩休憩或是下海游泳都可以随时停车改变计划,特别是路过圣雷莫沙滩,或是骑行到里瓦利古雷(Riva Ligure)的海滨长廊,很难有人不被那片迷人的果冻海吸引。
正如气味超越了时间一样,艺术也在时间维度上无限接近了永恒。早在一百多年前,莫奈四次游历距离圣雷莫20公里的多尔切阿夸(Dolceacqua),在深深浅浅的笔触里将这里的美好回忆定格了下来。如今当我们站在那座莫奈钟情的石拱桥前,眺望着远山、小河和城堡,尽管走过了百年沧桑,它们仍是画中的模样。直译为多尔切阿夸的这座中世纪村庄,其实还有另一个更贴切的名字——甜水镇,作为著名的利古里亚DOC葡萄酒“Rossese di Dolceacqua”的产地,就算没有莫奈画作的加持,多尔切阿夸也能以葡萄酒的甜美俘获芳心。
如果你还有体力,沿着莫奈画中那座远山,也就是瓦尔内尔维亚(Val Nervia)继续攀登,就能找到最美丽的中世纪村庄——阿普里卡莱(Apricale)。它由一栋一栋紧紧依偎的红顶木屋构成,矗立在山顶之上。
房屋的墙壁上、街道的交叉口,偶然会有一些壁画,你完全可以任由那些壁画带领,任意从一条小路进入村庄,不用担心迷路,这反而是探索阿普里卡莱的最好方式。尽管餐馆不多,但想要在阿普里卡莱吃到美食却很容易,阿普里卡莱人善烹兔肉,在狭窄的小巷中凭直觉走进一家,点一道连皮煎制的兔肉料理(il coniglio bruscau),等待随机选择带来的意外之喜。
The Mall Sanremo
但有一个地方你绝对不能错过: The Mall Sanremo圣雷莫。
The Mall Sanremo圣雷莫
The Mall Sanremo圣雷莫位于圣雷莫中心城镇以东,跟法国蔚蓝海岸咫尺之遥,从热那亚出发只需一个半小时车程,是继The Mall Firenze佛罗伦萨之后的第二家购物村。或许很多人都去过了前者,它俨然是佛罗伦萨必去地点之一,但The Mall Sanremo圣雷莫不仅延续了The Mall Firenze佛罗伦萨的奢华,其独一无二的地理位置和海滨风景让这里不再只是购物村,更是度过一天时间的悠闲去处。
进入The Mall Sanremo圣雷莫就立刻感受到与众不同,一面是山丘,一面是海水,在阳光和海风的欢迎下,让人不自觉地摒弃掉直奔主题的疲惫式购物,而是放慢脚步流连在众多意大利以及国际品牌的精品店;而购物之余的闲暇时间,参加The Mall Sanremo圣雷莫策划的短途旅游路线或者当地菜肴的烹饪课程,可能才是这里区别于其他购物村的独到之处。
The Mall Sanremo圣雷莫与在地景观
如果你向往美食,那么“圣雷莫美食之旅(Sanremo gourmet tour)”路线将从利古里亚西岸著名的特产taggiasca橄榄开始,以珍贵的Rossese di Dolceacqua葡萄酒收尾,让味蕾尝遍顶级的意大利名产风物。
更专业的“塔吉亚美食发现之旅(Taggia food and art discovery)”路线则由当地导游和美食家带领,进入该地区的“美食谷”——阿根廷谷(Valle Argentina),在古老的橄榄油厂品尝香气扑鼻的canestrelli di Taggia面包,搭配特级初榨橄榄油和橄榄酱。
你愿意的话,甚至可以在The Mall Sanremo圣雷莫的餐厅Food Lounge adHoc,由当地厨师指导,使用当地罗勒和其他新鲜食材,舍弃大型快速的现代化碾磨设备,仅仅利用大理石研钵和木杵,慢慢制作一瓶当地著名的香蒜酱(pesto),再品味这传统酱汁跟新鲜手工意面(trofie)的完美交融。
The Mall Sanremo圣雷莫美食体验之旅
The Mall Sanremo圣雷莫也为城市漫游爱好者策划了多个徒步路线,除了追寻莫奈足迹的多尔切阿夸路线,布萨纳维奇亚(Bussana Vecchia)路线最能激起艺术爱好者的好奇心。
绿意盎然的“国际艺术村”Bussana Vecchia
相对冷门的因佩里亚(Imperia)路线更能带来意外惊喜,它不是“花之海岸”上的热门城镇,但当你漫步到奥内利亚港口(Porto di Oneglia),会发现这里是《谍影重重》中主演被救起的登岸之处。即使没有电影的巧合,因佩里亚也完全可以因出产橄榄油而引以自豪,其中一所橄榄树博物馆(The Carlo Carli Olive Tree Museum)是因佩里亚的象征。
夏季是The Mall Luxury Outlets最繁忙的季节,也是最适合举办一系列紧张赛事的时间。从六月的1000 Miglia老爷车比赛拉开序幕,The Mall Luxury Outlets以一辆定制款1956年保时捷356A和一辆Dallara Stradale赛车参加比赛,而令赛车迷更兴奋的莫过于:比赛结束后甚至有机会亲自驾驶那辆Dallara Stradale赛车;The Mall Sanremo圣雷莫刚刚度过了5周岁生日,在音乐、美食、现场表演和神秘嘉宾的陪伴下,举办了一场精彩绝伦的派对;Ulivi高尔夫球场(Circolo Golf degli Ulivi)也将在八月,迎来一年一度的The Mall Sanremo圣雷莫杯高尔夫球赛。
2024年6月举办的1000 Miglia拉力赛
除此之外,从7月4日到8月16日,每个周四下午5点到晚上8点,The Mall Sanremo圣雷莫都有DJ现场表演和欢迎饮品,其中7月18日和8月16日更有夏日派对,让每一位旅行者沉浸在意式浪漫氛围之中。
任何季节来到这里都不虚此行,圣雷莫始终以丰富的节日迎接鲜花、音乐和运动爱好者,而对于那些喜爱购物、艺术和户外活动的人们来说,在The Mall Sanremo圣雷莫度过一天也必将成为他们记忆中,一场难得的“日常生活之外的出逃”
The ultimate imagination of summer romance, in San Morey, Italy
Passing through the famous Cannes, leaving the bustling Nice, passing by the luxurious Saint Tropez, as the train travels eastward along the azure coast, crossing the French Italian border, the warm breeze caresses the Liguria sea over the Apennine Mountains, and the Italian Riviera unfolds before our eyes.
Although belonging to the same coastline, compared to the azure coast, the Italian Riviera clearly has more cliffy and faulted coasts, especially west of the Liguria coast, which is not only the central area of the Italian Riviera, but also the beautiful nickname "Riviera dei Fiori". Its coastal areas range from wide beaches to deep-water rocky beaches, with diverse landforms; On the inland hills, there are also medieval villages, olive groves, and vineyards scattered throughout, resembling a peaceful Mediterranean painting. On the "Flower Coast", especially the "City of Flowers", Sanremo, can best interpret the romance and imagination in this alias.
Romance in the Flowers of San Remo
If there is any place that resembles the "invisible city" depicted by Calvino the most, it may be San Remo. San Remo is not only the place where Calvino grew up, but also the place where he was nurtured and shaped to become a writer. Although Calvino did not mention San Remo in "The Invisible City," it is only when people come here that they realize that for Calvino, every city is a shadow of San Remo.
San Remo City Scenery
San Remo City Scenery
The connection between San Remo and celebrities goes beyond just Calvino, to Alfred Nobel, the founder of the Nobel Prize. Nobel wandered and lived without a fixed place throughout his life. When he came from the cold Nordic region to the summer like Saint Remo, he decided to live in seclusion here because he loved it so much and spent the last few years of his life. He referred to his residence in San Remo as "my nest", and now this beautiful villa has opened its doors to the world as Nobel's former residence.
Nobel's House
Nobel's House
The City of Flowers provides flowers for two grand events every year, one is the Nobel Prize ceremony and the other is the New Year's concert in Vienna's Golden Hall. For 25 years, San Remo has been using flowers to express the New Year's greetings of the people of the small town to the "City of Music", completely because San Remo is also the "hometown of music". The festival di Sanremo, founded in 1951, is a popular music event in Italy. Its original purpose was to attract tourists during the winter, but its "first original" selection mechanism quickly became an important stage for Italian songwriters and composers.
Flowers, music, and finally, the bicycle, together constitute the three major characteristics of San Remo. If you are following the five classic cycling events, perhaps you have heard the name of San Remo from here. But even on non event dates, cycling along the Pista cicadable del ponente ligure is definitely the best way to explore the Flower Coast.
This 24 kilometer long bike lane was originally a railway track, but after retirement, it was converted into a bike lane and trail. The road is flat and vehicle free, allowing cyclists to easily shuttle between six seaside towns and beaches. As a mid level stop, cycling from San Remo is a compromise between heading west towards the starting point San Lorenzo al Mare and heading east towards the ending point Ospedaletti. Of course, no matter which station you arrive at, if you want to go to the beach for a break or swim in the sea, you can stop and change your plan at any time, especially when passing by the San Remo Beach or cycling to the seaside promenade in Riva Ligue. It's hard not to be attracted to that charming jelly sea.
The seaside scenery of San Remo
The seaside scenery of San Remo
Going all the way up to the village that transcends time
In San Remo, facing south are seawater, beaches, villas, and entertainment facilities, constantly injecting youthful vitality; To the north are the foothills, old towns, churches, narrow alleys, slowly and quietly spreading the lingering charm of a thousand years. After enjoying the beach, you can climb the stairs all the way to the inland hills, pass through olive groves and vineyards, and head towards the medieval villages there.
Overlooking the panoramic view of Dolceacqua village
Overlooking the panoramic view of Dolceacqua village
We have no way of knowing whether the fresh fruit aroma today is the same as the fragrance that enveloped the town over 400 years ago, but we can believe that the scent must have the ability to transcend time.
Just as scent transcends time, art also approaches eternity infinitely in the dimension of time. As early as over a hundred years ago, Monet traveled four times to Dolceacqua, 20 kilometers away from San Remo, and in his deep and shallow strokes, he captured the beautiful memories here. Nowadays, as we stand in front of the stone arch bridge that Monet loves, gazing at the distant mountains, small rivers, and castles, even after a century of vicissitudes, they are still the same as in the painting. This medieval village, literally translated as Dolce Acqua, actually has another more fitting name - Sweet Water Town. As the birthplace of the famous Ligurian DOC wine "Rossese di Dolce Acqua", even without the blessing of Monet's paintings, Dolce Acqua can still capture the heart with the sweetness of the wine.
Dolceacqua Village and Castle
Dolceacqua Village and Castle
If you still have the stamina, continue climbing along the distant mountain in Monet's painting, which is Val Nervia, and you will find the most beautiful medieval village - Apricale. It consists of tightly nestled red roofed wooden houses, standing on the mountaintop.
On the walls of houses and at the intersections of streets, there may be occasional murals. You can easily let those murals lead you and enter the village from a small path without worrying about getting lost. This is actually the best way to explore Apricale. Although there are not many restaurants, it is easy to find delicious food in Apricale. Apricale people are good at cooking rabbit meat and walk into a narrow alley by intuition. They order a skin fried rabbit meat dish (il conglio bruscau) and wait for the unexpected joy brought by random selection.
Apricale Village Landscape
Apricale Village Landscape
The Mall Sanremo
San Remo: escape beyond daily life
In this millennium old town blessed by flowers and music, you can spend your idle time leisurely strolling along the seaside promenade, and when you're tired, taste the San Remo red shrimp at a seaside restaurant by the dock; You can also walk through the Ormond Garden and stroll around the Nobel Villa. The essence of vacation lies in being carefree and being content with the situation
But there's one place you absolutely can't miss: The Mall Sanremo.
The Mall Sanremo
The Mall Sanremo
The Mall Sanremo is located east of the central town of San Remo, just a stone's throw from the azure coast of France. It is only an hour and a half drive from Genoa and is the second shopping village after The Mall Firenze Florence. Perhaps many people have visited the former, which is one of the must visit places in Florence, but The Mall Sanremo not only continues the luxury of The Mall Firenze, but its unique geographical location and seaside scenery make it no longer just a shopping village, but also a leisurely place to spend a day.
As soon as you enter The Mall Sanremo, you immediately feel different. On one hand, there are hills and on the other hand, there is seawater. Under the welcome of sunshine and sea breeze, people unconsciously abandon the tiring shopping that goes straight to the theme, but slow down and linger in many Italian and international brand boutiques; In addition to shopping, participating in the short distance tourism routes planned by The Mall Sanremo or local cuisine cooking courses during leisure time may be the unique feature that sets this place apart from other shopping villages.
The Mall Sanremo and Local Landscape
The Mall Sanremo and Local Landscape
If you yearn for food, the "Sanremo gourmet tour" will start with the famous taggiasca olive on the west coast of Liguria, and end with the precious Rossese di Dolceacqua wine, allowing taste buds to taste the top Italian specialties.
The more professional "Taggia food and art discovery" route is led by local guides and foodies to enter the region's "food valley" - Valle Argentina. Taste the fragrant canestrelli di Taggia bread at the ancient olive oil factory, paired with extra virgin olive oil and olive sauce.
If you're willing, you can even make a bottle of locally famous pesto sauce at Food Lounge adHoc in The Mall Sanremo, guided by local chefs, using local basil and other fresh ingredients, abandoning large and fast modern grinding equipment, and using only a marble mortar and wooden pestle. Then savor the perfect blend of this traditional sauce and fresh handmade pasta (trofie).
The Mall Sanremo Food Experience Tour
The Mall Sanremo Food Experience Tour
The Mall Sanremo has also planned multiple hiking routes for urban roaming enthusiasts. In addition to the Dolce Aquua route that follows Monet's footsteps, the Bussana Vecchia route is the most intriguing for art enthusiasts.
In the list of "International Art Villages," Bussanaviya is a special name. It is located on a winding hill behind San Remo and became uninhabited after a devastating earthquake in the late 19th century. However, this caught the interest of hippies who used vacant houses to build studios, transforming the former "ruins village" into the current "art village." In this large open-air studio, murals, oil paintings, and art installations can be seen everywhere, whether strolling through shops, galleries, or getting lost in narrow streets and communities, all of which give people an unintentional glimmer of artistic inspiration.
Bussana Vecchia, an international art village with lush greenery
Bussana Vecchia, an international art village with lush greenery
The relatively unpopular Imperia route can bring more surprises. It is not a popular town on the Flower Coast, but when you stroll to Porto di Oneglia, you will find that it is the landing place where the protagonist in "Spy" was rescued. Even without the coincidences of movies, Imperia can still take pride in producing olive oil, and one of the museums, The Carlo Carli Olive Tree Museum, is a symbol of Imperia.
Oneglia Port
Oneglia Port
Summer is the busiest season for The Mall Luxury Outlets and the perfect time to host a series of intense events. Starting from the 1000 Miglia vintage car race in June, The Mall Luxury Outlets participated in the race with a customized 1956 Porsche 356A and a Dallas Stradale race car. What excited racing fans even more was the opportunity to personally drive the Dallas Stradale race car after the race ended; The Mall Sanremo has just celebrated its 5th birthday and hosted a fantastic party accompanied by music, food, live performances, and mysterious guests; The Circolo Golf degli Ulivi will also host the annual The Mall Sanremo San Remo Cup golf tournament in August.
From the Italian Open in the 1930s to the current Liguria Regional Golf Tour, the Ulivi Golf Course has always been a venue for important events, with 18 holes scattered on both sides of the hills. On one side are olive trees and mimosa, and on the other side are the open views of the waves. The dream land of golf fans has finally opened its doors in summer.
1000 Miglia Rally held in June 2024
1000 Miglia Rally held in June 2024
In addition, from July 4th to August 16th, every Thursday from 5pm to 8pm, The Mall Sanremo has DJ live performances and welcome drinks, with summer parties on July 18th and August 16th, immersing every traveler in a caring romantic atmosphere.
Flowers bloom all year round, shrubs remain evergreen at all times, and palm trees, Art Nouveau style villas, citrus orchards, and historic gardens gracefully adorn the seaside promenade. Surrounded by lush coastal areas, San Remo stands between the undulating mountains and the peacock blue sea, which is undoubtedly unique. Its atmosphere is a blend of Italian Riviera and France's blue coast.
Coming here in any season is not a waste of time. San Remo always welcomes enthusiasts of flowers, music, and sports with rich festivals. For those who love shopping, art, and outdoor activities, spending a day at The Mall Sanremo will also become a rare "escape from daily life" in their memory
句子成分分析:(划分说明) 提示:框中标识可点击
Flowers bloom [all year round], || shrubs remain evergreen [at all times], || andpalm trees, Art Nouveau style villas, citrus orchards, and historic gardensgracefully adorn the seaside promenade.
* bloom 为谓语,采用一般现在时。
* shrubs 开头为陈述句。
* remain 为系动词作谓语,采用一般现在时。
* evergreen 为形容词作表语。
* 第1个 and 为并列连词,连接并列句。
* adorn 为谓语,采用一般现在时。
* the 为定冠词。
all year round | 全年,一年到头 |
at all times | 总是, 永远, 随时 |
art nouveau | 新艺术(19世纪末20世纪初流行于欧洲和美国的装饰艺术和建筑风格,采用基于花、叶等自然形状的复杂设计和曲线图案) |
flower ['flauә] | n. | 1) 花; 花朵 2) 开花植物 |
bloom [blu:m] | vi. | 1) 开花 2) 变得健康(或快活、自信) |
shrub [ʃrʌb] | n. | 灌木 |
remain [ri'mein] | vi. | 1) 仍然保持 2) 剩下,留下,遗留 |
evergreen ['evәgri:n] | a. | 常绿的 |
palm [pɑ:m] | n. | 1) 手掌,手心 2) 棕榈树 |
tree [tri:] | n. | 树,树木,乔木 |
style [stail] | n. | 1) 品位,优雅,风度 2) 方式,做法,作风 |
villa ['vilә] | n. | 1) (附有土地的)乡间宅第,别墅,庄园 2) 度假别墅 |
citrus ['sitrәs] | n. | 柑橘类果实 |
orchard ['ɔ:tʃәd] | n. | 果园 |
and [ænd] | conj. | 1) 和, 与, 同, 并 2) 然后,接着 |
historic [hi'stɔrik] | a. | 1) 历史上著名(或重要)的,可名垂青史的 2) 有史时期的 |
garden ['gɑ:dn] | n. | 1) 花园,果园 2) 园子,庭园 |
gracefully | ad. | 优雅庄重地 |
adorn [ә'dɔ:n] | vt. | 装饰,装扮 |
promenade [,prɔmi'neid] | n. | 1) 公共散步场所;(常指)滨海步行大道 2) (尤指在海滨、公园等的)散步,漫步 |
句子成分分析:(划分说明) 提示:框中标识可点击
San Remo always welcomes enthusiasts (of flowers, music, and sports) [with richfestivals].
[For those (who love shopping, art, and outdoor activities)], spending a day [atThe Mall Sanremo] will [also] become a rare "escape (from daily life") [in their memory]
* welcomes 为谓语,采用一般现在时。动词采用第三人称单数形式。
* who 为关系代词,引导定语从句。
* love 为谓语,采用一般现在时。
* shopping 为动名词,作宾语。
* spending 为动名词,在句中作主语。
* become 为系动词作谓语,采用一般将来时。
* escape 为名词作表语。
* will 为情态动词。their 为形容词型物主代词。those 为指示代词。the 为定冠词。a 为不定冠词。
San Remo | [地名] 圣雷莫 |
always ['ɔ:lweiz] | ad. | 1) 总是;每次都是 2) 一直;一贯 |
welcome ['welkәm] | vt. | 1) 欢迎 2) 乐意接受 |
enthusiast [in'θju:ziæst] | n. | 1) 热衷于…失;热心者;爱好者 2) 热烈支持者;热情赞成者 |
flower ['flauә] | n. | 1) 花; 花朵 2) 开花植物 |
music ['mju:zik] | n. | 1) 音乐,乐曲 2) 音乐,乐曲创作(或演奏)艺术 |
and [ænd] | conj. | 1) 和, 与, 同, 并 2) 然后,接着 |
sport [spɔ:t] | n. | 1) 体育运动 2) (某项)体育运动 |
rich [ri:tʃ] | a. | 1) 富裕的, 富有的 2) 大量含有的 |
festival ['festәvәl] | n. | 1) 节日,节期 2) 节,会演 |
love [lʌv] | vt. | 1) 爱,热爱 2) 喜欢,喜爱 |
shop [ʃɔp] | vi. | 1) 去商店买,在商店购物 2) (go shopping)逛商店 |
art [ɑ:t] | n. | 1) 艺术,美术 2) 艺术作品,美术作品 |
outdoor ['autdɔ:] | a. | 户外的,室外的 |
activity [æk'tiviti] | n. | 1) (兴趣、娱乐等)活动 2) 活力,活动性 |
spend [spend] | vt. | 1) 花(钱, 时间) 2) 度过, 消磨 |
day [dei] | n. | 1) 天, 一日,一天 2) 白天,日间 3) 时代;时期 |
mall | n. | 大型购物中心,购物广场(集中大批商店,有顶,禁止车辆通行) |
also ['ɔ:lsәu] | ad. | 而且;此外;也;同样 |
become [bi'kʌm] | vt. | 1) 变得,变成 2) 适合(某人),(与……)相称 |
rare [rєә] | a. | 1) 稀少的,稀罕的 2) 稀罕的,珍贵的 |
escape [i'skeip] | n. | 1) 逃脱,逃生 2) 逃避(现实) |
daily ['deili] | a. | 1) 每日的,日常的 2) 每个工作日的,按日的 |
life [laif] | n. | 1) 生活,生活经历 2) 生命,性命 3) 一生,终生 |
memory ['memәri] | n. | 1) 记忆,记忆力,记性 2) 记忆所及的时期,回忆所及的范围 |
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