2024-06-19 22:45:23 来源:秒词邦背单词app/软件 阅读:217


1、时间是治愈一切的良药。2、人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。2、生活从来都是泥沙俱下,鲜花与荆棘并存。3、同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识。4、长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海5、有的时候,弯腰不是认输,只是为了拾起丢掉的幸福。6、对的人,会站在你的前途里!7、如果改变不了世界,那就改变自己!8、即使全世界的背叛了你,我依然在你的身后!9、不登上悬崖,又怎么领略一览众山的绝顶风光。10、他强任他强,清风拂山岗!11、野火烧不尽,春风吹又生!12、春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花!13、路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。14、十年寒窗苦读,只为今朝一举成名!15、山重水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。16、我在文学的海洋里,寻找当初的自己!17、拿得起、放得下,人生才会过得去!18、人生没有过不去的坎,只有过不去的心态。19、 真正的快乐不是拥有的多,而是计较的少。20、 不要因为一时的挫败而放弃你心中的理想。21、人生没有后悔药,但每个人都有机会重新开始。22、这世界破破烂烂,但总有人在缝缝补补!23、人总是不满足的 ,就像留了长发怀恋短发, 过夏天的时候怀恋冬天!24、万事尽心尽力, 有则锦上添花, 无则顺其自然。25、时间渐渐磨去了年少轻狂,也渐渐沉淀了冷暖自知!26、你本该在舞台上闪闪发光,而不是困在幼稚的剧本里,受人嘲笑。27、提起全是遗憾,说起全是喜欢,想起都是不甘。28、不要低估我你走下去的决心, 我远比你想象中的要爱你。29、抓不住的沙,不如扬了它。30、人生第一课,学会接受自己的平庸!31、只要奥迪开的帅,没有悲伤只有爱。32、奔驰立的不是标,而是我那么多年挺不直的腰板!33、结婚就是用合法的方式,把最爱的人留在身边陪伴岁岁年年。34、茫茫人海,刚好遇见你!35、相遇总有原因,不是恩赐就是教训!36、只要你回头,我一直都在!37、回头看,轻舟已过万重山!38、向前走,前路漫漫亦途途!39、无雨也无晴、看清也看轻。40、人生小满胜万全!41、人之所以痛苦, 在于追求错误的东西!42、拍照的意义是为了让青春有迹可循!43、“不要赌天意,不要猜人心,44、 天意赌不起,人心猜不透”!45、和你见面才是我疲惫生活的唯一解药。46、“这烂透的生活耗尽了我所有的期望, 都说先苦后甜, 可吃苦一年接一年!47、你总以为机会无限 所以从不珍惜眼前!……         喜欢的不是文学,而是文学里的故事!是自己似曾相识的经历。文学是一种酒,可以抚平心中的悲伤,也能深深伤透一个人。          文学的力量是伟大且温暖的,可以让我在文字里找到共鸣共情,也可以让我在文学里回忆曾经的故事,也可以让我望眼曾经,感受未来。            我在文学里找到了曾经抑郁的自己,也放下了心中的执念,文学不仅仅治愈了我,更洗净了我心灵的创伤,我只想放下过去,也放过自己!             文学的力量是伟大且富有生命力的,它可以记录过去、感知未来。也可以治愈你!


1. Time is the cure for everything. 2. Life is full of joy, do not let the golden cup empty against the moon. 2. Life is always full of mud and sand, with flowers and thorns coexisting. 3. As fallen people from the ends of the earth, there is no need to have met each other before. 4. Sometimes, when the wind breaks through the waves, hang your sail straight to the sea. Sometimes, bending down is not about giving up, but just about picking up lost happiness. 6. The right person will stand in your future! 7. If you can't change the world, then change yourself! 8. Even if the whole world betrays you, I am still behind you! 9. How can one enjoy the breathtaking view of the mountains without climbing the cliff. 10. He is strong, let him be strong, the gentle breeze brushes over the hills! 11. Wildfire cannot burn out, spring breeze blows again! 12. Spring breeze triumphs, horseshoe disease, seeing all the Chang'an flowers in a day! 13. The road is long and winding, and I will search up and down. 14. Ten years of hard study, only to achieve fame in one fell swoop for today! 15. The mountains and rivers are heavy, but there is no way out. The willows are dark, and the flowers are bright, creating another village. 16. I am in the ocean of literature, searching for my original self! 17. Only when you can afford it and put it down can you live your life well! 18. There is no obstacle in life that cannot be overcome, only an attitude that cannot be overcome. 19. True happiness is not about having too much, but about caring too little. 20. Don't give up your ideals just because of temporary setbacks. 21. There is no regret medicine in life, but everyone has the opportunity to start over. 22. This world is in ruins, but there are always people sewing and patching it up! 23. People are always dissatisfied, just like having long hair and longing for short hair, and longing for winter during summer! 24. Do your best in everything, add the icing on the cake if there is something, and let nature take its course if there is nothing. 25. Time has gradually worn away the frivolity of youth, and has also gradually precipitated self-awareness of warmth and coldness! 26. You should have shone on stage instead of being trapped in a childish script and being ridiculed. 27. Talking about it is all regret, talking about it is all liking, and thinking about it is all unwillingness. 28. Don't underestimate your determination to keep going, I love you far more than you imagine. 29. If you can't catch the sand, why not raise it. 30. The first lesson in life, learn to accept your mediocrity! 31. As long as Audi is handsome, there is no sadness, only love. 32. What Mercedes Benz stands for is not its logo, but my waist that has been stiff for so many years! 33. marriage is a legal way to keep the person you love the most by your side and accompany each year. 34. In the vast sea of people, I happened to meet you! 35. There is always a reason for meeting, either a gift or a lesson! 36. As long as you look back, I will always be there! Looking back, the light boat has crossed countless mountains! 38. Moving forward, the road ahead is long and arduous! 39. There is no rain or sunshine, and even if you see it clearly, you may overlook it. 40. A small fullness in life is better than a complete one! 41. The reason why people suffer is because they pursue the wrong thing! The significance of taking photos is to make youth traceable! 43. "Don't bet on fate, don't guess people's hearts. 44. fate can't afford to bet, people can't guess through"! Meeting you is the only cure for my tired life. 46. "This terrible life has exhausted all my expectations. It's said to be bitter before sweet, but to endure hardship year after year! 47. You always think that opportunities are endless, so you never cherish the present!... What you like is not literature, but stories in literature! It's your own familiar experience. literature is a kind of wine that can soothe sadness in the heart and deeply hurt a person. The power of literature is great and warm, which can help me find resonance and empathy in words, recall past stories in literature, and also let me look at the past and feel the future. I found myself in literature, who used to be depressed, and also let go of my obsession in my heart." Nian, literature has not only healed me, but also cleansed the wounds in my soul. I just want to let go of the past and myself! The power of literature is great and full of vitality, it can record the past and perceive the future. It can also heal you!


Sometimes, when the wind breaks through the waves, hang your sail straight to the sea. 


[Sometimes], when the wind breaks through the waves, || hang your sail [straight to the sea].


* when 为连词,引导时间状语从句。
* breaks 为谓语,采用一般现在时。动词采用第三人称单数形式。
* hang 开头为祈使句。
* hang 为谓语。
* your 为形容词型物主代词。the 为定冠词。




break through...1) 突破...,冲破...  2) 克服..., 战胜...


sometimes ['sʌmtaimz]ad. 有时候; 间或; 偶尔
wind [wind]n. 1) 风,气流  2) 气管乐器,管乐器组
wave [weiv]n. 1) 波浪,海涛  2) 波,波状运动
hang [hæŋ]vt. 1) 悬挂,吊  2) 把……绞死,对……施以绞刑
sail [seil]n. 1) 帆  2) 乘船航行
straight [streit]ad. 1) 直接,径直,立即  2) 笔直地,成直线地
sea [si:]n. 1) 海洋,大海  2) 海面情况




 as, when, while 的区别


Talking about it is all regret, talking about it is all liking, and thinking about it is all unwillingness. 


Talking about it is all regret,
talking about it is all liking, || and thinking about it is all unwillingness.


* 第1个 Talking 为动名词,在句中作主语。
* 第1个 is 为系动词作谓语,采用一般现在时。
* 第2个 talking 为动名词,在句中作主语。
* 第2个 is 为系动词作谓语,采用一般现在时。
* and 为并列连词,连接并列句。
* thinking 为动名词,在句中作主语。
* 第3个 is 为系动词作谓语,采用一般现在时。

   all 的用法



talk about...谈论, 谈到
think about...1) 考虑, 想  2) 考虑(做某事), 打算(做某事)


all [ɔ:l]a. 1) 所有的, 全部的,一切的  2) 整个的
regret [ri'gret]n. 痛惜,懊悔,遗憾,失望
liking ['laikiŋ]n. 喜欢;喜好;嗜好;乐趣



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