“胖猫”姐姐涉嫌误导舆论被多平台封禁 重庆警方公布调查细节
2024-05-26 13:28:27 来源:秒词邦背单词app/软件 阅读:215



重庆:一男子因感情纠纷跳江身亡 其女友遭网暴

“胖猫”姐姐涉嫌误导舆论被多平台封禁 重庆警方公布调查细节



    “胖猫”姐姐涉嫌误导舆论被多平台封禁 重庆警方公布调查细节

    重庆市公安局南岸区分局网安支队民警 崔广迪:经过我们的调查,“胖猫”的姐姐和妹妹拿到了“胖猫”的手机之后,翻阅了里边大量与谭某的聊天记录以及转账记录,把部分(内容)截取并发到网上,然后迅速形成了热点话题,许多大V也参与到其中。

    “胖猫”姐姐涉嫌误导舆论被多平台封禁 重庆警方公布调查细节


    “胖猫”姐姐涉嫌误导舆论被多平台封禁 重庆警方公布调查细节

    重庆市公安局网安总队民警 金科:谭某被部分网民取名“骗子捞女PUA大师”、被造谣“被人殴打”,并且有网民还号召给谭某支付宝进行一分钱转账,附带咒骂辱骂等留言,网络出现多起扬言悬赏,威胁谭某人身安全的言论,严重影响谭某正常生活,并造成网络空间秩序混乱。

    “胖猫”姐姐涉嫌误导舆论被多平台封禁 重庆警方公布调查细节


    重庆警方:“胖猫”与谭某恋爱期间 正常经济往来不构成诈骗






    “胖猫”姐姐涉嫌误导舆论被多平台封禁 重庆警方公布调查细节


    “胖猫”姐姐涉嫌误导舆论被多平台封禁 重庆警方公布调查细节

    重庆市公安局南岸区分局网安支队民警 崔广迪:在他俩交往的过程当中,还有比如说谭某和“胖猫”以及“胖猫”的妹妹及其男友一起到长沙游玩的经历,后来谭某和“胖猫”一起商议由“胖猫”到重庆来,他俩共同生活。到了重庆之后,他俩还共同比如说开了花店,然后春节的时候,谭某带这个“胖猫”到老家去,以男友的身份介绍给(谭某)父母以及亲友,一直到今年的四月份。

    “胖猫”姐姐涉嫌误导舆论被多平台封禁 重庆警方公布调查细节


    “胖猫”姐姐涉嫌误导舆论被多平台封禁 重庆警方公布调查细节

    重庆市公安局南岸区分局网安支队民警 崔广迪:从两人转账记录显示,“胖猫”向谭某转账317笔,共计79.9万,而谭某向“胖猫”转账179笔共计46.3万元,包括谭某向“胖猫”父亲和姐姐转账。交往过程当中,两个人都以真实身份互见了亲友,并且公开了他们的恋爱关系,同时也在筹划自己的未来,不构成诈骗犯罪。警方依法作出不予立案决定,同时将不予立案通知书送达刘某。


    “胖猫”姐姐涉嫌误导舆论 账号被多平台封禁


    “胖猫”姐姐涉嫌误导舆论被多平台封禁 重庆警方公布调查细节


    “胖猫”姐姐涉嫌误导舆论被多平台封禁 重庆警方公布调查细节

    重庆市公安局南岸区分局网安支队民警 崔广迪:(刘某)多次在网上发布谭某与“胖猫”之间的聊天记录以及转账记录这些个人隐私信息。同时,她还与其妹妹商定,截取的聊天记录要显示谭某是“捞女”,谭某是“骗子”,同时也要显示“胖猫被PUA”,成为“提款机”。同时,她们还采取另外注册账号在评论区引导,邀约亲友在评论区跟评的这种方式,继续曝光谭某的地址信息、网络账号等信息。

    “胖猫”姐姐涉嫌误导舆论被多平台封禁 重庆警方公布调查细节


    “胖猫”姐姐涉嫌误导舆论被多平台封禁 重庆警方公布调查细节

    重庆市公安局南岸区分局网安支队民警 崔广迪:我们调查发现,刘某通过在平台购买流量提升热度,导致谭某被网友攻击辱骂,网络空间秩序被严重地破坏。在调查过程中,刘某也认识到了自己行为的违法性,并且认了错。我们将根据进一步的调查结果,依法作出处理。

    蹭流量博眼球 各地警方查处多起相关案件


    “胖猫”姐姐涉嫌误导舆论被多平台封禁 重庆警方公布调查细节

    广州市公安局增城分局网警大队民警 余益生:聂某让蒋某和王某冒充谭某及其闺蜜拍摄视频,想让视频爆火以后开通直播间,吸引网民到直播间进行谩骂,等到直播间人气高了以后,通过直播间PK的形式进行获利。

    “胖猫”姐姐涉嫌误导舆论被多平台封禁 重庆警方公布调查细节


    “胖猫”姐姐涉嫌误导舆论被多平台封禁 重庆警方公布调查细节



    “胖猫”姐姐涉嫌误导舆论被多平台封禁 重庆警方公布调查细节

    重庆市石柱县公安局南宾派出所办案民警 朱亮:二人的行为侵犯了谭某的隐私。石柱县公安局依法对二人处以行政拘留5日的行政处罚。


    “胖猫”姐姐涉嫌误导舆论被多平台封禁 重庆警方公布调查细节

    重庆市公安局荣昌区昌元派出所民警 雷明鸣:目前,荣昌区公安局已对杨某处以行政拘留9日的行政处罚。

    “胖猫”姐姐涉嫌误导舆论被多平台封禁 重庆警方公布调查细节




    “胖猫”姐姐涉嫌误导舆论被多平台封禁 重庆警方公布调查细节

    北京航空航天大学法学院副教授 赵精武:最高检和最高法有一个专门关于惩治网络暴力的,这样一个指导意见通知里边就讲到了,在网络上恶意散布谣言或者损害他人名誉情节严重的情形,要按照刑法的246条进行监管。那么在这里边胖猫的姐姐在网上恶意购买流量,引导他人对谭某进行攻击,这种情况显然已经构成了对他人名誉的侵害。

    “胖猫”姐姐涉嫌误导舆论被多平台封禁 重庆警方公布调查细节



    “胖猫”姐姐涉嫌误导舆论被多平台封禁 重庆警方公布调查细节

    中国政法大学传播法研究中心副主任 朱巍:每一场网络暴力的背后其实都隐隐约约或普遍存在的人肉搜索,这一个利害关系人或当事人的个人信息,包括他家人的相关信息往往就被挖出来了。实际上这是一个非常严重的违法行为,侵害公民个人信息犯罪是一个公诉罪的,并不是说个人一定得主动提起诉讼,得去报案才有可能引发追责的,我觉得这个还是应该严格落实法律规定。

    “胖猫”姐姐涉嫌误导舆论被多平台封禁 重庆警方公布调查细节



    On April 11th this year, a man named "Fatty Cat" died by jumping into a river in Chongqing due to emotional issues. The incident continued to ferment on the internet, with various forms of information and comments emerging. Meanwhile, "Fatty Cat"'s girlfriend Tan was seen as using emotions to cheat money. At the same time, there were a large number of online human flesh searches, rumors, and insults targeting Tan. On May 19th, the Chongqing police released the investigation results of the incident, responding to public concerns about the details of the "fat cat" jumping into the river and dying.

    On the early morning of April 11th this year, a man surnamed Liu named "Pangmao" jumped into the Yangtze River Bridge in Chongqing and died. Since April 25th, "Fat Cat" sister Liu and her sister have repeatedly posted videos on social media, expressing their longing for "Fat Cat" while believing that Tan used emotional manipulation to deceive "Fat Cat" into obtaining a large amount of money.

    Cui Guangdi, a police officer from the Network security Detachment of the Nan'an district Branch of Chongqing Public Security Bureau: After our investigation, "Pangmao"'s sister and sister obtained her phone and browsed through a large number of chat and transfer records with Tan inside. They intercepted some of the content and uploaded it online, quickly forming a hot topic, and many big Vs also participated in it.

    On May 3rd, Liu, the sister of "Fat Cat", posted a photo of her younger brother's cremation certificate online. Entries such as "Fat Cat has been cremated" and "Fat Cat jumped into the river where the incident occurred with flowers and hamburgers" once again made it to the hot search lists on various online platforms. On the same day, Tan reported to the Nan'an District Branch of Chongqing Public Security Bureau, claiming that the "chubby cat" sister had violated her privacy; On May 5th, Liu, the sister of "Fat Cat", reported to the Nan'an District Branch of Chongqing Public Security Bureau that Tan was suspected of defrauding "Fat Cat" of money. As the incident continued to ferment, the focus of online public opinion gradually shifted towards Tan.

    Jin Ke, a police officer of the Internet Security Corps of Chongqing Public Security Bureau: Mr. Tan was named by some netizens as "a fraudster fishing for a female PUA master", and was rumored to be "beaten". In addition, some netizens also called for a penny transfer to Mr. Tan's Alipay, accompanied by messages such as cursing and abusing. There were many statements threatening the personal safety of Mr. Tan, which seriously affected his normal life and caused chaos in cyberspace.

    On the evening of May 19th, the Nan'an District Branch of Chongqing Public Security Bureau issued a police report. After legal investigation, it was found that Tan and "Fat Cat" have a genuine romantic relationship and have economic dealings with each other, which does not constitute a crime of fraud; "Fat Cat" sister Liu is currently under further investigation by the police for exposing Tan's personal privacy, which led to him being attacked, insulted, and threatened by netizens.

    After receiving separate reports from Tan and "Fat Cat" sister Liu, the Nan'an District Branch of Chongqing Public Security Bureau quickly conducted an in-depth investigation, focusing on several controversial issues on the internet, including:

    Is "Fat Cat" and Tan a normal romantic relationship?

    What is the economic relationship between "Fat Cat" and Tan?

    Has Liu, the sister of "Fat Cat", violated Tan's privacy?

    Is there any situation of misleading public opinion?

    "Fat Cat" Sister Suspected of Misleading Public Opinion, Blocked by Multiple Platforms Chongqing Police Announces Investigation Details

    The Chongqing police conducted inquiries with relatives and friends of Tan and "Fat Cat", visited informed individuals, investigated and collected evidence in accordance with the law, and verified their relationship. On December 24, 2021, Tan and "Fat Cat" confirmed their romantic relationship, dating in their real identities for over two years. During this time, both parties met with each other and publicly announced their romantic relationship within a certain range.

    Cui Guangdi, a police officer from the Network Security Detachment of the Nan'an District Branch of the Chongqing Public Security Bureau, said that during their relationship, there were also experiences such as Tan and "Fat Cat", as well as "Fat Cat"'s sister and boyfriend traveling to Changsha together. Later, Tan and "Fat Cat" discussed moving from "Fat Cat" to Chongqing and living together. After arriving in Chongqing, the two of them even opened a flower shop together. During the Spring Festival, Tan took this "chubby cat" to his hometown and introduced him to his parents and friends as a boyfriend, until April this year.

    In response to Liu, the sister of "Fat Cat", reporting to the police that Tan manipulated "Fat Cat" through emotions and fraudulently obtained a large amount of money, the Chongqing police also conducted an in-depth investigation. The results showed that Tan and "Fat Cat" had economic exchanges during their relationship and did not constitute a crime of fraud.

    Cui Guangdi, a police officer from the Network Security Detachment of Nan'an District Branch of Chongqing Public Security Bureau: according to transfer records from two individuals, "Fat Cat" transferred 317 transactions to Tan, totaling 799000 yuan, while Tan transferred 179 transactions to "Fat Cat", totaling 463000 yuan, including Tan's transfer to "Fat Cat"'s father and sister. In the process of communication, both individuals met with relatives and friends in their real identities, and publicly disclosed their romantic relationship. At the same time, they were also planning their own future, which does not constitute a crime of fraud. The police have made a decision not to file a case in accordance with the law, and have also served a notice of not filing a case on Liu.

    According to a report from the Chongqing police, on May 11th, Liu, the sister of "Fat Cat", expressed her approval of the Chongqing police's decision not to file a case. At the same time, through mediation, the family of "Fat Cat" reached a settlement with Tan, and Tan fully refunded the difference in economic transactions during their relationship.

    In response to a report by Tan claiming that Liu, the sister of "Fat Cat", had violated her privacy, the Chongqing police investigated and collected evidence, and found that after the incident, Liu had released a large amount of personal privacy information related to Tan online, and deliberately misled public opinion by contacting others to write copy, purchase traffic, and other means. During this period, Liu's number of fans on the online platform account increased from 263 to the highest of over 2.9 million, receiving 14.556 million likes. Currently, Liu's accounts on multiple platforms have been banned.

    After "Fat Cat" jumped into the river and died, on April 13th, with the coordination of the police, Tan returned more than 136000 yuan to "Fat Cat"'s father, stating that there were no further economic disputes during their relationship. "Fat Cat"'s father issued a receipt to Tan through WeChat. For this result, Liu, the sister of "Fat Cat", is not satisfied. She believes that "Fat Cat" earns 20000 to 30000 yuan per month from playing games on behalf of him, and "all the money has been spent on Tan". She claims that she wants Tan "to have a hard time and pay the price", and discusses with her sister "to let Tan be cyberbullied".

    Cui Guangdi, a police officer from the Network Security Detachment of Nan'an District Branch of Chongqing Public Security Bureau, has repeatedly posted personal privacy information such as chat records and transfer records between Tan and "Fat Cat" online. At the same time, she also agreed with her sister that the intercepted chat records should show that Tan is a "fishing woman" and Tan is a "scammer", and also display "Fat Cat PUA" as an "ATM". At the same time, they also adopted the method of registering another account to guide in the comment section and inviting relatives and friends to follow up in the comment section, continuing to expose Tan's address information, online account information, and other information.

    The Chongqing police found out that after the "Fat Cat" incident, Liu and his sister contacted multiple people to write a copy, discuss how to win sympathy from netizens, and agreed on the details to pay attention to when taking selfies, including appearing "very tired, very tired, and very aggrieved", dressing up "casually" or "without makeup", and recording "memorize it first" and not "keep your eyes on the lines from time to time".

    Cui Guangdi, a police officer from the Network Security Detachment of Nan'an District Branch of Chongqing Public Security Bureau: Our investigation found that Liu increased his popularity by purchasing traffic on the platform, which led to Tan being attacked and insulted by netizens, and the order of the online space was seriously disrupted. During the investigation, Liu also realized the illegality of his behavior and admitted his mistake. We will handle it in accordance with the law based on further investigation results.

    On May 4th, as the "Fat Cat" incident continued to gain popularity online, Guangzhou's Zengcheng District online anchor Nie discovered that his team member Jiang had a similar appearance to his girlfriend Tan, and thus had the idea of having Jiang impersonate Tan to shoot an apology video.

    Police officer Yu Yisheng from the Online Police Brigade of Zengcheng Branch of Guangzhou Public Security Bureau: Nie asked Jiang and Wang to impersonate Tan and his best friend to shoot videos. He wanted to open a live broadcast room after the video became popular, attracting netizens to curse in the room. After the popularity of the live broadcast room increased, he profited through PK in the form of live broadcast room.

    On the afternoon of May 4th at 4:30, Nie organized Jiang and Wang to shoot two sets of videos. The first video showed Jiang pretending to be Tan and apologizing. The second video is about Jiang pretending to be Tan and expressing remorse for his feelings towards Fat Cat. After filming, it was uploaded using the personal self media accounts of Jiang and Wang.

    According to the Guangzhou police investigation, as of the time of the incident, the video related to the fake "Fat Cat" girlfriend Tan had a total of 500000 likes, 150000 comments, and over 100000 reposts, causing extremely negative social impact. On May 11th, the Guangzhou police investigated Nie, Wang, and Jiang for legal responsibility in accordance with the law, and suspended the relevant accounts involved in the case.

    After the "Fat Cat" incident, there were also some local internet anchors in Chongqing who exploited traffic and spread rumors. Xiong and Qiu, online bloggers from Shizhu County, Chongqing, drove to Tan's hometown to gain attention. They posted a video claiming to be "fat cats, looking for Tan" and exposed Tan's home address online, inciting netizens to engage in offline harassment.

    Police officer Zhu Liang from Nanbin Police station of Shizhu County Public Security Bureau in Chongqing: Their actions have infringed on Tan's privacy. The Shizhu County Public Security Bureau imposed an administrative detention of 5 days on the two individuals in accordance with the law.

    Similarly, in Chongqing, Yang, an online blogger from Rongchang District, claimed to be familiar with his "chubby cat" girlfriend Tan in order to attract attention. He also recorded a rumored short video of Tan being an "unscrupulous woman", which was later uploaded to online platforms and caused a negative impact.

    Lei Mingming, a police officer from Changyuan Police Station in Rongchang District, Chongqing Public Security Bureau: Currently, the Rongchang District Public Security Bureau has imposed an administrative penalty of 9 days of detention on Yang.

    On May 4th, after illegally obtaining Tan's personal information, Jiangsu Yangzhou online blogger Pan forwarded and disseminated a large amount of Tan's personal information. The Yangzhou police immediately launched an investigation and disposal upon inspection, and Pan was administratively punished in accordance with the law.

    How should self media marketing accounts be held responsible for spreading rumors by rubbing against traffic networks?

    Public security and cybersecurity departments across the country have discovered and dealt with over 400 online rumors and violence related to this incident. Under the influence of malicious guidance from some self media marketing accounts and some netizens losing control of their emotions, "Fat Cat" girlfriend Tan has been harassed by online violence and has become a hot topic in society. When the Chongqing police released the investigation results of this incident and the whole truth came to light, what responsibilities should the relevant parties involved in this incident, such as self media marketing accounts, bear?

    Zhao Jingwu, Associate professor at the School of Law of Beihang University: The Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Supreme People's court have a special guidance notice on punishing online violence. As mentioned in this guidance notice, malicious spreading of rumors or serious damage to the reputation of others on the internet should be regulated in accordance with Article 246 of the Criminal Law. So here, Fat Cat's sister maliciously purchases traffic online and guides others to attack Tan, which clearly constitutes a violation of others' reputation.

    Expert: The perpetrators of cyberbullying should bear corresponding legal responsibilities

    Legal experts believe that the frequent occurrence of cyberbullying incidents is due to the widespread psychological state of perpetrators. Through mutual recognition and a surge in the number of groups, perpetrators of cyberbullying have developed a sense of "collective irresponsibility and security," allowing them to freely express their negative emotions and ignore the harm caused to the perpetrators.

    Zhu Wei, Deputy director of the Communication Law Research center at China University of Political Science and Law: Behind every online violence, there is actually a vague or widespread human flesh search, and the personal information of this interested person or party, including their family members, is often dug out. In fact, this is a very serious illegal act, and the crime of infringing on personal information of citizens is a public prosecution crime. It does not mean that individuals must take the initiative to file a lawsuit, and reporting the case may lead to accountability. I think this should be strictly implemented in accordance with the legal provisions.

    Legal experts suggest that the governance of online violence requires the joint participation and governance of the government, platforms, industry organizations, and the general public. Before the occurrence of online violence incidents, targeted governance measures should be selected based on the content of sporadic negative online comments; After the formation of online violence incidents, if there are frequent comments that leak personal information of the parties involved, the platform operator should provide relevant information of the perpetrator to the parties at their request, so that the parties can file a civil infringement lawsuit against the information publisher. When the act of leaking personal information of others, frequently forwarding false information or personal information of the parties involved occurs, the perpetrator shall bear corresponding legal responsibilities for the consequences of the damage.


    The Yangzhou police immediately launched an investigation and disposal upon inspection, and Pan was administratively punished in accordance with the law.


    The Yangzhou police immediately launched an investigation and disposal [upon inspection]|| and Pan was [administratively] punished [in accordance] [with the law].


    launched 为谓语,采用一般过去时。
    第2个 and 为并列连词,连接并列句。
    punished 为谓语,采用一般过去时和被动语态。
    was 为助动词。the 为定冠词。an 为不定冠词。




    in accordance with...

    按照..., 依据...




    [中国省市] 扬州

    police [pә'li:s]


    (通常作 the police)警察部门,警方

    immediately [i'mi:diәtli]


    1) 立刻; 马上  2) 接近, 紧接, 附近

    launch [lɔ:ntʃ]


    1) 发射,把(航天器、武器等)发射上天,水中发射  2) 开始从事,发起,发动(尤指有组织的活动)

    investigation [in,vesti'geiʃәn]


    1) (正式的)调查,侦查  2) 科学研究,学术研究

    and [ænd]


    1) 和, 与, 同, 并  2) 然后,接着

    disposal [dis'pәuzәl]


    1) 处理,去除  2) [商]让度,变卖

    inspection [in'spekʃәn]


    检查, 视察

    pan [pæn]


    1) 平锅,平底锅  2) 一锅的量

    punish ['pʌniʃ]


    1) 处罚,惩罚  2) 对……判罪,判定……的处罚方式

    law [lɔ:]


    1) 法律,法规  2) 原理,定律







    Legal experts believe that the frequent occurrence of cyberbullying incidents is due to the widespread psychological state of perpetrators. 


    Legal experts believe | that the frequent occurrence (of cyberbullying incidents) is due to the widespread psychological state (of perpetrators).


    believe 为谓语,采用一般现在时。
    that 为连词,引导宾语从句。
    is 为系动词作谓语,采用一般现在时。
    due 为形容词作表语。
    the 为定冠词。




    due to...



    legal ['li:gәl]


    1) 与法律有关的,法律的  2) 法律允许的,合法的,法律要求的

    expert ['ekspә:t]



    believe [bi'li:v]


    1) 相信,认为真实  2) 认为(……有可能), 把(某事)当真

    frequent ['fri:kwәnt]



    occurrence [ә'kʌrәns]


    1) 发生的事情,存在的事物  2) 发生,出现,存在




    incident ['insidәnt]


    1) 严重事件,暴力事件(如犯罪、事故、袭击等)  2) 发生的事情(尤指不寻常的或讨厌的)

    widespread ['waidspred]



    psychological [,saikә'lɔdʒikәl]


    1) 心理的,精神上的,心灵的  2) 心理学的,关于心理学的

    state [steit]


    1) 状况,状态  2) (the States)美国  3) 









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